Sunday, December 1, 2019


Do you find places to perform? It was never directly political, but the politicians put it into one context, so we decided to take it out, chew, slice, distort it and spit it back. At the same time we wanted to create dozens of new expressions and genres: What are your plans for the next 60 minutes? We tortured the hell out of it and it was fun. Life is great, thanks. duboka ilegala

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Duboka Ilegala - IMDb

It was never really about understanding. For me, music is pure pleasure, so I think it is going pretty well, we have more and more invitations to play and our performances are getting better. They were all shrouded in dust, dark or fog, just as we were at the time. At first, it was only our friends. Local Music Scenes and Globalization in Beirut. Please tell our readers.

What is the band about? Which elements do you take over? Then, last year we decided to make the album and record the songs in the studio.

Everything was absurd around us, so it was only natural to follow that path. You guys work with elements of Turbo Folk, you state in your press release.

These were our questions. We had gigs with only one or two people present in the past. Do you find places to perform?

At the same time we wanted to create dozens of new expressions and genres: It is hard if you think of living off of music. Hi Shonegrad, how is life?

duboka ilegala

Duboka Ilegala started out as a music workshop back in Can you tell us a bit more, diboka you guys. We were able to spice it up with our own lyrics, or use existing ones taken out of context. How do you guys approach Turbo Folk musically and lyrically.

Duboka Ilegala

Lyrically, there is a lot of stuff that is really inspirational and funny. How do you earn your living? It was never directly political, but the politicians put it into one context, so we decided to take it out, chew, slice, distort it and spit it back.

duboka ilegala

Personally, I admire Tom Waits, Nick Cave and Saban Bajramovic in terms of their lyrical and signing skills, their approach to song writing and live shows. Dubok it rains, it rains — but in the end we are all wet. Most of the songs were initially made digitally and then recycled through playing live instruments, then re-recorded and combined with the initial idea to make the final piece. By Thomas Ilrgala Norient on October 21, We tortured the hell out of it and it was fun.

Mostly it is just about copying popular Greek and Turkish songs. You must be logged in to post a comment. Turbo folk was an important part of the war propaganda machine. As the director of the Norient Musikfilm Festival, a documentary filmmaker and audio-visual performer, he places emphasis on transdisciplinary approaches between theory and practice. See CV, publications, films and projects: Do you have references and influences that you like?

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