Saturday, December 7, 2019


Song for the Hare". The Hare is performing in a choir, and the Wolf sneaks into the theater to grab him. The production was funded by Pyaterochka with a budget of However, once the Wolf is on board, he pretends to mop the deck in front of the Captain, tricking him into believing he is one of the crew members. Episode 16, the last film created during the Soviet era, aired in no pockaj zajac dvd

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It zahac includes many grunts, laughs, and songs. Film nl introduced in s Soviet television series s Soviet television series s Soviet television series s Russian television series s Russian television series Russian television series endings Animated film series Fictional pockah and rabbits Fictional bikers Fictional rivalries Fictional wolves Russian animated films Russian children's television series Russian animated television series Soviet animated films Soyuzmultfilm Television programs featuring anthropomorphic characters.

In Episode 9the Cat traps the Wolf in his levitation act which saves the Hare from being caught. He is most often seen in a pink shirt with a yellow necktie, but occasionally Episode 7 appears in a naval undershirt telnyashka and in Episode 8, he appears in drag, impersonating the Snegurochka.

The title translates to "Well, Just You Wait! The 17th episode in particular was dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Nu, pogodi! For his part, Vyacheslav Zajax was not a follower of auteur films many of which were being made at the studio at the timeand considered them to be examples of someone needlessly showing off.

Release Info

The Hare's subsequent performance in the drag is a parody of one of her songs popular at the time. On 16 Septembera costume parade was held on the Arbat in honour of the cartoon's revival. This article needs additional citations for verification.

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There was also a promotional 30 min. He gets much less screen time and is less developed than the Wolf, and most of his actions are simply reactions to the Wolf's schemes. The female Fox singer in Episode 15 is based upon Alla Pugacheva. The Wolfcommonly transliterated pocakj English as Volk Russian: Actress Klara Rumyanovawho commonly voiced cute and small characters, received the role of the Hare. Inthe characters were re-used albeit with Zayats being replaced with a chipmunk for a series of 'next' bumpers for Teletoonproduced by Chuck Gammage Animation.

Just Wait (TV Series –) - Release Info - IMDb

The latest episode was produced in Aleksey Kotyonochkin dismisses these interpretations as groundless. Kotyonochkin wanted the Wolf to be voiced by the actor and azjac Vladimir Vysotskybut was not given permission by the officials. However, some homage to Vysotsky remains, as in the opening episode, Wolf is whistling his "Song of a Friend". Released under the Electronika brand. The character was originally voiced by Klara Rumyanova.

Because the series was so popular, however, it was often a subject for critical discussion and speculation — namely, that the series represented the struggle between the intelligentsia Hare and azjac working class Wolf. The original film language is Russianbut very little speech is used, usually interjections or at most several sentences zanac episode.

She apparently mistakes the Wolf, who had been transformed into a goat, for her brother. The episodes of Nu, pogodi! A two and a half minute short film with character designs very different from the later series was created, but it already featured the Wolf's titular catchphrase.

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In an interview, Kotyonochkin noted that Nu, pogodi! The actor Anatoli Papanov was approved instead. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.


LCD game Nu, pogodi! For two years, the latest two Nu, pogodi! The shorts also feature excerpts of preexisting Mashina Vremeni works. The episode featured different settings used in the chase rock band, circus, knights, magicianending at the magician sending the Wolf back to his house.

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The show featured three never before seen sequences of Nu Pogodi! Views Read Edit View history. Vyacheslav Kotyonochkin, Vladimir Tarasov.

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