Thursday, December 5, 2019


This article was written back in the PHP 5. And put in your website web. It just does, for example when you make a typo. However, caution is called for: Decrease page load time and decrease CPU usage. Never try to set up a new configuration in a live environment! You can very easily troubleshoot PHP configuration errors on the command line. wincache php 5.4

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The pipe is important, the full Executable will become c: Defaults to 1 wincache. The WinCache functions are easily ported to APCand vice versa, and thus you are not stuck on one hosting platform.

Sometimes things go wrong. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. TCP Chimney Offload is a networking technology that wincacbe transfer the workload from the CPU to a network adapter during network data transfer. Set the handler Request Restrictions to invoke the handler only if request is mapped to File.

wincache php 5.4

This article was written back in the Phl 5. You can tweak other settings, such as Instance MaxRequests and Max Instancesafter a while, when the server is running smoothly. Fill out the requested information.

PHP with WinCache on IIS

Fast page loads are more and more important wincaxhe for seach engine optimization SEO and user experience. I am not a hacker, coder, developer, programmer or guru. Its default setting is:.

wincache php 5.4

In the early Windows days, ephemeral ports are allocated between the values of and inclusive. Script engines on OS partition: My name is Jan. On Windows and we use the Network Shell netsh to determine a dynamic port range. I am merely a system administrator, doing my daily thing at Vevida in the Netherlands. Want to support me and donate?

We created a different PHP configuration file called php. All that is required is that wincsche extension is enabled and loaded by the PHP engine.

MaxUserPorts The number of available short-lived or ephemeral ports differs per Windows Server version.

Windows Cache for PHP

With the release of WinCache version 1. Maybe due to bad network interface card NIC firmware or drivers.

WinCache versions If you to try to set up a buggy version of WinCache, just try a different version, or perhaps a development version to overcome errors. Never try to set up a new configuration in a live environment! Now that you have your PHP 5.

That is not a problem. This means that a connection will remain open for two minutes, even when the client has disconnected e. Enabling WinCache for all hosted websites as default can easily run a server out of memory if a settings is not optimized.

PHP with WinCache on IIS - Sysadmins of the North

This defaults to seconds and can be decreased to 30 seconds. And put in your wincahce web. It just does, for example when you make a typo.

This may interest you: Decrease page load time and decrease CPU usage. IIS maxConnections Use the following AppCmd command to increase the number of maximum number of connections for a site.

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